Fouad WhatsApp Download v9.95 Latest Update | Offical Site


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Fouad WhatsApp


V 9.95

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76 MBs






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Fouad WhatsApp

Fouad WhatsApp is a popular messaging application that is a modified version of the original WhatsApp. It is a third-party application created by independent developers and includes additional features not present in the original application.

It is always improving to provide the best user experience. If you are already aware of its impressive features, click the below box and get started with the downloading process

Why Fouad WhatsApp APK?

Now one may wonder, out of tons of modified WhatsApp applications, what makes this hero stand out? But before we get to that, just know that now billions of people are downloading this application, so there must be a reason. 

The features Fouad offers are mind-blowing. It has a top-notch security system (app lock, chat hiding, etc.), and the customization game is at the next level. It allows you to see what others don’t want you to see and prevent others from peeping into your life without your consent. Isn’t that fun?

Fouad Special Feature

With its advanced features, this transformational application stands out among other modified WhatsApp versions. Though its interface is similar to WhatsApp Messenger’s, some distinguishing features differ from the logos. 

What I love about this application is that despite offering tons of advanced features, this application has a pretty reasonable size of 70 MB. Now let’s explore some exciting features this application has to offer. some of the features of Fouad WhatsApp are similar as YOWhatsapp

Fouad WhatsApp features


Well, welcome to a whole new world of secrecy! How much you want to show others is completely in your hands now.

Freeze last seen

Hiding view status

Another exciting feature is hiding the view status. WhatsApp allows you to turn off receipts, including messages and status viewing. It also allows you to view the status of your contacts without letting them know.


It gets more exciting now. The Anti-Delete feature prevents your contacts from deleting their message for everyone. 

Not to forget the Anti-View Once feature. This feature lets you see a ‘view once’ video or image multiple times. This gives you an upper hand while conversing and to be honest, quite fun as well!

App Lock

With this modified version of WhatsApp, you no longer have to install separate app lock applications. It comes with a built-in app lock that, when turned on, asks for a password every time you open WhatsApp.. 

Anti-Ban Feature

There is no need to worry about getting banned. Fouad APK is a super secure app that prevents you from being blocked by WhatsApp, which often happens when using a third-party application. 

Broadcast Messages

There is no need to send individual messages to your contacts anymore. This application’s broadcast message feature allows you to send a message or an update to multiple contacts simultaneously.

Auto-Reply Feature

Are you someone who often forgets to respond or takes ages to reply to WhatsApp messages? 

If so, Whatsapp Fouad has got your back. Its auto-reply feature informs the sender that you are away now and will get back to them as soon as possible. 

Share Larger Media Files

One of the drawbacks I have experienced with WhatsApp is the limited number of images shared. Fouad allows you to share up to 90 images at once so you do not have to go through the hassle of sharing them in bits and pieces. 

Moreover, it allows you to share files as large as 50 MB. That’s quite a relief, right? 


Isn’t it great that you no longer have to turn off your phone to escape the bombardment of messages from someone? The DND (Do Not Disturb) mode of Fouad  APK cuts off the internet access, thus giving you a break.


Fouad whatsapp screenshot


Downloading Fouad is quite simple if you follow the steps below. 

Step 1:

The first step is to enable ‘unknown sources’ on your device as this will allow you to install third-party applications. 

Step 2:

This application is not available on PlayStore. So, click here to start the downloading process. 

Considering that this application will be immediately blocked if you have a high-security system on your phone is important. Some Android security systems may detect modifications in an application and thus prevent its installation. 

Step 3:

Once the APK file has been installed, navigate to the folder that contains the file. Click on it, and it will start the installation process. 

Step 4:

After installing the application, you can find the Fouad logo on your phone. Click on it, fill in the required information, verify it, and enter a world of amazing features. 

Frequently Asked Questions

All you have to do is long-press the chat you want to hide, and a few options will appear in the top right corner. Press on the icon that resembles the download icon, and your chat will be hidden. 

Out of all the modified versions of WhatsApp, this is the safest one to use. Thanks to the anti-ban feature, WhatsApp can not track the user or block the number. Moreover, it is also end-to-end encrypted. 

Installing Fouad is quite simple. However, there can be a few reasons if you’re unable to install it. To rectify this, go to the security settings and enable download from ‘unknown sources’. 

We, at Website name, provide all the updated versions of WhatsApp modifications. All you have to do is uninstall the previous one, visit our site, and reinstall the updated version.

Another reason for loving this application is that you no longer have to copy-paste the message to escape the forward tag. This application makes your life easier by allowing you to disable forward tags.

The Final Verdict

With tons of modified messaging applications available online, Fouad stands out due to its user support and scope of customization. This application is super handy, and the features are also quite fun. The interface is easy to comprehend, while the security level is top-notch. 

So, what do you want more? Click now and start the downloading process!

Stay tuned for more amazing experiences. 

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