Yo Whatsapp Download APK Official | 2024 Apr. Latest Version 10.3

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Yo WhatsApp



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Yo Whatsapp

Do you get bored with WhatsApp and want to try something interesting but also conscious about your privacy? You can use YOWhatsapp apk also known as YO, Yo WhatsApp and WP Yo. It’s an exciting communication application with a lot of privacy and security features. Whatever language you are familiar with, it allows you to communicate in that specific language. 

It is becoming popular with its amazing features like themes, avatars, customization options, and the next level of privacy features. Now you can view deleted messages and not tell others you have viewed their status or read messages. You can customize its background, launcher icon, and chat screen according to your mood or choice. 

What is YOwhatsapp apk?

Yo WhatsApp APK is a modified version of WhatsApp that contains several amazing features like theme customization, advanced privacy options, dual WhatsApp, and Anonymous Messaging. It is also known as YOWs. This modified version allows its users to maintain their privacy. Its features that play their role in the privacy of its users are hide profile photos, freeze last seen, and stay always online. It allows its users to increase their status limit and forward limit. With this modified version users can send any video of more than 30 seconds on their status. Their feature is helpful in the advertisement of their businesses.

Amazing features of YO WP

While using Yo WP you have the opportunity to enjoy its amazing features that enhance your privacy concerns. Its features make it popular among its users. Its outstanding features include freeze last seen, hiding blue ticks, anti-deleted messages, increased status limit, and much more. There is no risk to user privacy and security. Some Feature similar like OGWhatsApp.

Hide Typing

While using YO WP you may need to be more conscious about messaging experience. Sometimes you may want to hide your typing status to not let others know that you are typing a message or replying to their messages. Sometimes you may type any message and not want to send it for some reason then this feature allows you to do so without letting them know that you were typing any message for them. This feature is for those who need extra privacy

Increase status limit

Yo WP allows its users to share videos for more than 30 seconds on status. This feature is beneficial for those who want to put their stories on status without minimizing or dividing them into short parts. Users can even put any song on status or informational video with a single click. Users can also use this feature for publicity purposes. They can do marketing of their business through the status

Silence Unknown caller

Sometimes unknown callers may disturb you by calling again and again or you may get exhausted by declining their calls. These features enable you to put all these unknown callers on silent and not allow them to disturb you. When you enable this feature, allow numbers not listed in your contact list to get silent, but these callers are displayed in call logs. 

Show deleted messages

Sometimes users want to read deleted messages of their near and dear ones or professionals. YO whatsapp allows its users to read messages that are deleted with anti-deleted features and read messages that are intentionally deleted without letting the sender know that you have read that text or received that image or other file.

Hide Blue ticks

Sometimes you may get busy on an important task and don’t want your near or dear ones or other persons to know that you have read their text, or sometimes you may get offended by someone and want to ignore them. This feature allows to you hide blue ticks to keep it secret that you read all texts.

Customize themes

Whenever users get bored or get sick of using static themes and want to customize themes according to their tastes and moods. Users can use their pictures and customize them. These themes are stored in its storage. Users can easily change themes according to their tastes.

Freeze last seen

Some users are more concerned about their privacy and don’t want to let others know about their last seen or how much time they spend on WhatsApp. When users freeze their last no one can know when they were active or what they last seen.

Increase forward limit

While using YO What’s App users can share a single file with more than 5 people at a time. This feature is amazing for those who need to share important announcements with different people and do not want to type them again and again. It saves a lot of their time and energy.

 Auto Reply

Sometimes due to a busy schedule, the users want such a feature that helps to automatically reply to valuable clients. With Yo WP users can easily set auto reply to deal with clients and stay always online. This feature allows its users to set auto replies; it could be the introduction of your business or a greeting message.

Increased file size limit

In some situations, users have to share files of high volume but that is not possible with simple WhatsApp. Yo WP enables its users to share high-volume files with just one click. Users can share as much volume of files as users want to share and manage their business. This file could be any document, video, or movie. 

Privacy Enhancements

This modified version of WhatsApp has multiple secure privacy features. While using YO WP users lock their What’s App or chat with their dear ones. Users can keep their chats private by enabling a PIN, pattern, or password. Users can also update their privacy and can rest passwords or PINs if they forget it.

Multiple accounts

YO WhatsApp enables its users to hold multiple accounts with the same numbers. Users can manage their businesses with multiple accounts. This feature is a very helpful medium for business dealings. They can stay in touch with their clients and finalize their dealings. They can utilize this feature for marketing purposes.

Secret Group Exit

Sometimes people unintentionally added to some groups is a waste of time and didn’t want to let them know that they had left the group or were still a member of that particular group. This feature enables its users to secretly leave the group. No one would be able to notice your absence from the group.

Various Emoji

Chatting with your dear ones while using emojis could be fun. YO WhatsApp enables its users to chat with their friends or family members with its various and interesting emojis. This features a lot of users’ time and it would be fun for its users. Its premium version offers multiple amazing and interesting emojis to make chat fun for its users.

Efficient Media Sharing

This updated version of WhatsApp enables its users to convert video to GIF of 30 seconds. With this updated version of WhatsApp users can send up to 100 images at one time, and also can share files of up to 1GB. Users can share their status for up to 5 minutes or can manage a community of up to 600 groups.   


yo WhatsApp


YO WhatsAppOriginal WhatsApp
you can send large size fileyou can sent only 100MB file size
convert video to GIF duration 30 secondsonly convert 6 seconds
video status limit 5 minuteonly 30 seconds
you can share audio & video file size 700MBIn original WhatsApp , you can only share 16MB file
In yo WhatsApp, you can block contact, audio and video WhatsApp allow you only block contact
Yo whatsapp provide multiple customize optiononly specific customized option
Different font style NO
Multiple Privacy optionlimited
Send black messageNo
Yowhatsapp features

How to download and install YO WhatsApp?

To download YO What’s aap users need to follow the given below steps that enable you to enjoy its amazing features on your device. You just need to follow the given below steps that enhance your experience to connect with your near and dear ones. These steps are easy to follow and understandable 

  • Visit a trusted website. Click on download button
  • Once the setup file is downloaded. 
  • Enable trusted sources on your device
  • Run the installation
  • Once the installation process completed 
  • Open the application. 
  • Enter the number with which you want to register on Yo What’s aap
  • Suggest any name and add a profile photo according to your taste. 
  • Now enjoy an amazing application. You can change its settings whatever you want. 


Yo WhatsApp is becoming so popular with its outstanding features. It enables its users to manage a community of more than 600 groups. It has interesting features like increased file-sharing size, sharing the same file to multiple users at the same time, auto-reply, and increased file size. With this application, users can manage their privacy through some features like hiding typing, hiding profile pictures, freezing last seen, and making unknown callers silent.

You can also try OGWhtsapp for Pc


Yes, you can use it on your laptop by scanning QR code.

Yes, you can customize themes whenever you want

Yes, it is secure. It take care of it’s users security.

Yes, it offers amazing features to maintain the privacy of its user. While using this application users can easily freeze their last seen and other privacy.

Yes, it allows its users to manage a community with a number of groups.

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